The Isadora Duncan Foundation launches its Equal Summer Camp for children, prioritizing access for girls to reduce the gender digital divide, for ages 7 to 12 years. The main objective is to foster interest and knowledge in the fields of Science, Art, Robotics, 3D Printing, and Technology in general, with playful and fun sessions.
This urban camp will feature various activities, aimed at girls and boys, with the aim of sparking curiosity and learning basic notions of art, movement, and creativity, conducting scientific experiments, getting started in computing, creating and printing 3D figures, and working with virtual reality glasses; in addition to addressing gender equality and equal opportunities as a transversal theme. We will also carry out outdoor activities and interactive games so that our children have fun while learning and socializing.
The Camp will run during the months of July and August, from Monday to Friday with hours from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. It will take place at the Foundation’s headquarters, located at Avda. Reino de León, nº12, E-1, 1º.
The enrollment will have a cost of 15€ which will be refunded at the end of the camp if the child attends regularly. Capacity is limited and registration is now open. For more information, you can call 987 261 449 or visit the headquarters of our Foundation.