Moving to a new country is never easy. The culture is different. The language, at times, changes. The support network usually remains in the home country… Ultimately, the lives of migrants take a radical turn when they leave their place of origin.
People, for different reasons, decide to cross borders, explore other worlds and opportunities, with all that it entails. They face complex situations, unpleasant emotions and sensations that interfere with the full development of their lives and, added to the mourning of migration, affect their integration and well-being in the host country.
Therefore, during the years 2022/2023, from the program “Center for the Prevention and Protection of Immigrant Women and Victims of Gender Violence” of the Isadora Duncan Foundation, we have worked on the elaboration of two immigration guides with the aim of offering the necessary information to promote the integration and social inclusion of immigrants in the cities of León and Valencia.
Access to the labor market and knowledge of existing resources are two essential aspects for achieving effective integration. That is why this basic orientation guide contains useful information for foreigners arriving in either of these cities, related to important aspects such as registration, healthcare, social services, education, etc. They also provide lists of places and contact numbers of interest.
The main objective of these immigration guides is to reach as many people as possible and become tools and supports for the community.
This material is funded by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration and co-financed by the European Union.
- Immigration Guide – León (PDF)
- Immigration Guide – Valencia (PDF)