Single parent and women's center

This is a comprehensive service whose main objective is to meet the needs of single-parent families, women victims of gender violence and, in general, all those women who need it. It offers information, attention and individualized social, socio-educational, legal and socio-labor counseling, and different training actions are planned and carried out for these population groups.

Attention, advice and guidance.

The resource offers individualized social, legal and socio-educational care, both in person and by telephone and online. We provide support and advice according to the needs of each person assisted.
Similarly, we offer an advisory resource for social professionals who need to find resources or support in the work they do with people belonging to the aforementioned groups.

Workshops and training activities.

Throughout the year, different training activities are planned based on our own experience and the needs of the people who come to our care services. At present, we have held workshops on healthy cooking, small repairs, home economic management, sewing, etc.

In addition, within these training activities we distinguish the digital literacy workshops, aimed at the adult population in general, in which tools are offered and skills are promoted for the correct use of technology, online communication, social networks, management of mobile devices, etc.

This service is staffed by professionals, both volunteers and salaried, from different social disciplines.

Social Networks.

Currently, the organization manages two groups on the social network Facebook, in which single-parent families generate support networks from all parts of the country, and even from Spanish-speaking countries. The groups are "Vacaciones para Familias Monoparentales" and "Punto de Encuentro para Familias Monoparentales", within the Facebook platform.

If you need to make use of any of our resources or you are interested in our activities you can contact us:

In person: Avd. Reino de LeĆ³n NĀŗ12, E1, 1Āŗ- 24006, LeĆ³n.

Phone: 987261449 (calls and whatsapp).

Through our contact form

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