Know your emotions and learn to manage them, a new workshop aimed at immigrant women

The Isadora Duncan Single Parent Families Foundation is organizing a workshop as part of the “Comprehensive Support Point for Immigrant Women” program, called Emotional Management.

During this session, we will explore the world of emotions by addressing topics such as primary and secondary emotions, with the aim of facilitating their identification and the development of strategies for self-control and emotional management. Through practical exercises and deep reflections, we will provide tools to understand and handle your emotions in a healthier and more effective way.

Furthermore, this activity aims to promote the building of bonds and the expansion of support networks and socialization among immigrant women, through the creation of safe and trusting spaces that contribute to emotional well-being.

When and where will the activity take place?

On Thursday, April 25th, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the foundation’s headquarters: Avenida Reino de León, 12, E1, 1st floor.

How do I sign up? You can do so through any of the following methods:

  • Direct visit to our headquarters
  • Phone: 987 26 14 49
  • WhatsApp: 987 95 28 02
  • Email:

Is it free?

Yes. This is a subsidized activity by the Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Social Inclusion of Immigration and the European Social Fund.

We remind you that, as in all our activities, a conciliation service is offered so that you can attend the workshop accompanied by your children as a colleague will take care of them.

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