Author: solserpiente

Economic violence and labor exploitation: two different realities with a single purpose

Economic violence and labor exploitation of women are two of the most normalized and sibylline manipulations that have truly disabling consequences in the lives of women and their families, causing not only economic instability, as is evident, but also emotional, psychological, social and, in the most serious cases, physical instability.

Economic violence against women is a control technique used to remove them from economic decision-making, as well as to produce economic and emotional dependence in them, in many cases, seriously damaging their own development as well as that of their families (children and dependents).

Labor exploitation, already a crime, manifests itself differently against men than against women. Dejando a un lado aspectos jurĆ­dicos, se hace referencia a esas situaciones precisamente por esta distinciĆ³n en cuanto a su aplicaciĆ³n, destacando tambiĆ©n la posiciĆ³n de las mujeres inmigrantes en este marco. Es importante tener en cuenta la interseccionalidad que define precisamente este fenĆ³meno, para atajar las causas de por quĆ© se produce y prevenir sus consecuencias.

In memory of Alicia Gil GĆ³mez

PhD cum laude in Sociology of Gender (URJI) Degree in Philology and Science of Education UV, researcher, teacher, creator of the “FundaciĆ³n IsonomĆ­a”, the Association “Con la A” and many others.
This is your professional biography, but I want to say goodbye to the woman,  [+]

Single Parent Families Campaign in Europe

At the Isadora Duncan Single Parent Families Foundation, we have been working on internationalization for years. We are increasingly operating in a more globalized world, which is why in 2023 we launched the Single Parent Families in Network Program, funded by the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumer Affairs, and the 2030 Agenda, through allocations from income tax and corporate tax.

One of our objectives is to ensure effective and lasting collaboration among all entities working with our families in Europe. For this reason, we initiated an information campaign, considering both the information we provide and the information we receive as equally important. The latter focuses us on the reality of our families at a general level and helps us understand our needs, identify our resources, demand solutions to our problems, and start a common effort to make the European environment an equitable place for the development of our lives.

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