Isadora Duncan retransmitirá en directo la 1ª Conferencia Europea sobre Cyberbullying que se celebrará el 28 de mayo en Madrid

I European Conference on CyberbullyingLa jornada tendrá lugar en el hotel Mercure Santo Domingo de Madrid, el próximo 28 de mayo a partir de la 9:30. Organizada por Coface y Asgeco, esta jornada forma parte de las actuaciones del programa Daphne sobre ciberacoso en que Isadora Duncan participa junto a distintas organizaciones de España, UK, Bulgaria, Bélgica, Grecia, Hungría y Finlandia.

La conferencia será en inglés, contará con la presencia de distintas personalidades expertas en ciberacoso, y será retrasmitida por el personal de Isadora Duncan, pudiéndose seguir en directo a través de las webs de Isadora Duncan, Coface y de Asgeco.

La cuenta de Twitter del encuentro será @dcyberbullying y el hashtag #deletecyberbullying


9.00 - 9.30 Registration of participants and setting up of the Market Place

9.30 - 9.45 Welcome address

  • Ana Isabel Ceballo Sierra, ASGECO President
  • Annemie Drieskens, COFACE President

9.45 - 10.15 Opening Key note speeches

  • Agnes Uhereczky, COFACE Director, Coordinator of the #DeleteCyberbullying project
  • MEP Georgios Koumoutsakos [VIDEO]
  • Evangelia Markidou, European Commission, DG Connect
  • T eenager cyberbullying victim

10.15 - 10.45 Figures, statistics and law: a quick overview of the latest findings and state of play

  • Sameer Hinduja, Ph.D. Co-Director, Cyberbullying Research Center School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Florida Atlantic University [VIDEO]
  • David Miles, Director, Europe, Middle East & Africa Family Online Safety Institute

10.45 - 11.30 Panel 1: The youth perspective

What are youth most worried about? What is their experience with cyberbullying? What advice, recommendations do they put forward? How could cyberbullying be better prevented and addressed according to them? Which actors should be most involved? (parents, online service providers, law enforcement, schools...)


  • Introduction by Janice Richardson, INSAFE
  • Young persons, BEATBULLYING
  • Young persons, PROTEGELES

11.45 - 12.30 Panel 2: Industry and Law enforcement

What are the main activities and practices that the industry has put in place to address cyberbullying? What initiatives have been taken up by policy makers at EU level? Are self-regulation and voluntary industry initiatives enough or should the EU engage in co-regulation or regulation?


  • Maria José Cantarino de Frías, TELEFONICA
  • Raquel Álvarez, HABBO
  • Oscar Casado Oliva, TUENTI
  • Lamprini Konsta, Cybercrime unit of Hellenic Police

Panel 3: Awareness raising and empowerment of Parents, Children and Schools

How can we better empower parents, children and schools? What are some existing good practices?


  • Philippe Seidel, CHILD FOCUS  
  • Ana Luisa Rotta, PROTEGELES
  • Richard Piggin, BEATBULLYING
  • Urko Fernández, PANTALLAS AMIGAS
  • Erika Coene, GEZINSBOND

13.15 - 14.45 Lunch break

14.45 - 15.00 Explanation of the Open Space session

Timing, rotation, Twitter, Facebook, recording of findings, reporting.

15.00 - 17.30 Open Space: An exchange of existing projects, tools, websites, training and other material, followed by a discussion

  • Hub 1. How can we better empower and reach parents?. Presentations:Paul Cording Vodafone, UK, Ana Luisa Rotta Protégeles, Spain, Noemy Kostic, Action Innocence, Monaco
  • Hub 2. How can we better empower and reach children and youth?. Presentations: Ioanna Avloniti, Smile of the Child, Greece, Miguel Comin Alia2, Spain, Ewa Dziemidowicz FDN, Poland
  • Hub 3. How can we better empower and reach teachers/schools?. Presentations: Jorge Flores, Pantallas Amigas, Spain, Ina Brecheis Klicksafe, Germany, Alla Kulikova e-enfance, France


17.30 - 18.00 Conclusions and the way forward.

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